Friday, June 27, 2008

New Sign!!

It finally happened. Our sign here at Fawn was finally put into place in front of the shop.

The project took about 6 hours and was completed by myself, Jamey Parks and his faithful dog, Lenny.

Look at that face!!

After building the scaffold, (yes, I helped build scaffold) I had the honor of cutting the cords to the fantastic vinyl sign that has been blowing in the wind in front of the shop for a few months now.

The new sign is a one of a kind. Two artists were hired to create it. Jamey Parks and Carl Lundenhall.
These two men are geniuses. After sharing my vision for what I wanted the sign to look like, they took the project and ran with it.
It is crafted from wood and metal and as you can see, the sign is an amazing piece of art.

If you live locally come check it out!!


Who's B? said...

Wow Fawn....that sign is Hawt! I am happy to see that things are getting more concrete (including the street...he he. Sorry). I can't wait to see how everything has evolved when I finally make it back.

Love to you.

Cory and Sara Jane said...

Hey guys! The sign looks awesome! I will have to come check it out in person next time I am up there.
~Sara Jane

SAEE said...

That sign is screaming awesomeness!!

Your shop is making me want to come to SLC just to shop there. I love my shirt...I have worn it twice already. If I ever get a chance to visit my brother again..I am definitely coming in!


~Karen Michelle Bayard~ said...

Ooh la la! I LOVE that sign. I am local and will come visit! Jenny is adorable!

Anonymous said...

That sign is wicked!!

saltandpaper said...

what an awesome sign!